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Article >> Training Guide - Part 2/5

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0.03 – the training page + Pictures

After you get into your individual training page you may want to know what are the possibilities, so here I will give a few Pictures with an explanation for every step.

the team training
First I want you to take a look in this Picture Number 3:

Green: tells you that this is your Team Training.
Black: this is the place you can see when was the last time your manager changed the team training.
Red: this is the training time, you have 3 trainings per day.
Blue: below every day you will see the skills your manager chooses for the team training.

The individual training
First I want you to take a look in this Picture Number 4:

Green: tell you that this is your Individual Training.
Blue: you can save your team training progrem and loading it in other time you will need it.
Last changing - tells you when the last time you have changed your individual training was.
Last "having fun" training - tells you when was the last time you trained having fun.
Last training - tells you when was the last time you trained and which skill you trained
Red: you have three trainings per day, later you will see in a Picture what you need to do the change your individual training.
Purple: this is the training time, you have 3 trainings per day.

In another purple you see "send and "cancel". you have to know what's that mean if you succeed you read the guide

And now as i promise here you go a Picture Number 5 about how to change your individual training:

"have fun" training
First I want you to take a look in this Picture Number 6:

Green: tells you that is you're "have fun" training"
Red: you have 7 possibilities of having fun training, I will explain you every possibility later in this guide.
Blue: after you chooses you're having fun possibility just click send to save that.